
By flying

PupPup.... her robe keeping warm. She doesn't usually like the camera, frequently turning her head believing if she can't see me, then she can't hear me and nothing is going to change her mind but this morning she was happy to give me a few quick seconds, I think she's adorable but then I'm biased haha

We heard little whimpers coming through the monitor at 6.30am better than 4am which sometimes happens. After a run she settled in her bed until 8.30am then followed me as I did some house chores. Of course the chores took longer as we had to stop for cuddles.

Thankful to have this beautiful girl in our lives :)

Saturday......crisp and frosty, bird baths were iced, lawn was white, sun bright against a blue sky however it remained cold all day.

Happy Saturday everyone :)

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