
By HareBrain


"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" William Shakespeare's play Romeo and JulietThanks, as ever, to BikerBear ~ Anni~ for hosting our FlowerFriday.
It smelt divine and we saw it in the walled garden at Attingham, National Trust mansion and fabulous Parkland.  We met there with more caravanning friends A & M who are currently enjoying a great stay in their caravan just outside Welshpool.

We’ve had a wonderful day together, reliving our camping adventures and catching up on all our general news.  We browsed the second hand book shop, took a tour of the imposing mansion and a stroll round the walled garden, lots of bees but we only saw a few white butterflies.  We’ve been there many times but a first for A & M.  Coffee in the café to start with, a light lunch in the café later and delicious ice creams to finish.  A very light supper later at home!

Weather was comfortably cooler today with rain in the late afternoon and some rumblings of thunder this evening.
Extra:  A little collage of our lovely day.

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