
By hazelh

Black and white Shetland jumper

This is the lovely pattern on on the'new' jumper that we purchased for Mr hazelh on Wednesday.

I returned to the pharmacy this morning to pick up the rest of order that I left there yesterday. Then I walked the rest of the way to the gym for a pilates class (with Becky standing in for Marc) followed by a swim.

While Mr hazelh was playing guitar with Jack this afternoon, I busied myself with duties domestic, and Mummy hazelh continued to indulge her Olympics obsession. My discovery of the day was BMX racing - hysterical!

Late afternoon, Jon joined us in the garden for Friendly Friday drinks with the neighbours. Then we all came indoors for supper and two games of Catan, both of which were won by Jon.  

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; pilates class; swim (30 lengths); walking (14,217 steps).

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