
By rat

No sign of the foal

Slept in this morning - good job I didn't have to get out early. Mr Rat arrived home about 9am having been up early and watching a great sunrise from near his camping spot.
I went out to Tesco to price the Cafe items to see if we need to adjust the price list, and also to get a bit of shopping done. I then had a short run on legs that were stiff after yesterday's hill reps. I ran past some of the fields with the horses.
It's been grey all day but the rain didn't come until about 6pm (and it hasn't been heavy) so I got a bit more gardening done. I also went to pick the red gooseberries only to find something had got there first! They're in a fruit cage but there is a gap at one place, my chief suspect is the squirrel. Anyone know ways to get rid of grey squirrels, they seem to get to everything before me?
I've also watched some Olympics and progressed the knitting.

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