Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Hello from The Pyrenees!

It was 2:30am when my journey began with a drive to Birmingham Airport.

A flight to Toulouse, all ran smoothly including the security element which has been very publicly showcased as shocking at Birmingham!

Hire car collected, a much bigger car than anticipated as despite it being booked some time ago they didn't have any small cars to I've got a 4x4 which is novel for one! :-P

I then drove down through France to pretty much where it borders with Spain to a place called Argeles Gazost.

It would have been rude not to squeeze in a bike ride and check my hire bike was all ok, after all it's not every day you're in this area.

The rain came down with gusto but I still had a great time cycling up Col de Luz Ardiden with it's 29 hairpins. It's stands at 5626 feet above sea level and would, I am sure, have offered amazing views but all I could see was fog because my head was definitely in those clouds.

Time for bed now, I've got electronic shutters to put down instead of curtains. I love those kind of things! :-P

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