
By pandcjane

The Besom

Is an absolutely wonderful charity in my area. See here for more details: . Essentially they help provide all the kit that is needed for people setting up home who have previously been homeless. And, for info a "besom" is a broom made from twigs which leads to their strapline "sweeping away suffering"

As most of you will know who follow my blips, I am in the process of clearing out my late husbands apartment - a dispiriting and demoralising job very often. No matter, I am chipping away with the help of my lovely daughter (mainly) and son in law.  There is a quantity of bedding, duvets and pillows and the like. It is in pristine condition but the local charity shops aren't allowed to accept it (health and safety). So here we have a large duvet and 4 pillows. This evening I dropped them off at the managers home. (along with a bag of hangers that I was going to bin). I am confident that they will find a new home where they will be useful. At least I hope so. 

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