A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Rose at the back door

Had a trip to the town centre this morning, a visit to the library, then some greetings cards purchased.  Unexpectedly bumped into an old friend, so we grabbed a coffee and had a quick chat.  On to the bank, some business done there.

Then time to meet up with Maeve for lunch, and as usual we had so much to say that it stretched quite a long time.  

Afterwards did our weekly food shop, in quick time this week., as I had a dental checkup.  Lorna did some Xrays, and I have little left of one tooth, so it has been decided to do a white filling.  So another appointment made for that.  

After I came home I realised I had no blip, so quickly took one of my doorstep rose, which always performs well.

Dinner over now, and a night of TV Olympics beckons.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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