A day in the life

By Shelling


Matilda, the daughter of my friend the cellist, had a vernissage on her exhibition "Lost", or "Vilse" in Swedish it deals with feelings of not belonging and moving around a lot. I love her skill, her sense of detail and the expression in her work. The main moves yet another time, with her things and dream of a home inside. The content in the cupboard is made of porcelain, a way of getting the linen look white. The doors can open and close, of course, on hinges of wood. The first extra shows her pile of furniture stored somewhere, waiting to be placed in a home somewhere. 

The air is full of seeds flying about at the moment, some are lost and will never produce new life but they unknowingly create beauty where they land.

The day ended having dinner together with some friends, celebrating the birthday of Kent until too late, or early, to give you a blip yesterday.

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