
By KatesGardenPDX

Too Hot!

Oh my goodness, it's 99F/37C outside and it's WAY too hot! 

I had physical therapy this morning, followed by acupuncture, then a quick stop at the grocery store. I'm getting ready to go to the beach next Monday! I can't wait...the temperatures there will be only in the high 60's F. It should be gorgeous, and cool! 

I puttered around this afternoon, catching up on this and that, watering, watering.....and finally, brought my Cannon macro out to the back deck. The bees were very active this afternoon - this one on Cat Mint. And in the extra a creature - iNaturalist says this is a paper wasp - taking a cooling swim in the bird bath. We've actually had a lot of paper wasp nests around our condo community this summer. This makes me think I should look for a nest on my deck :-( 

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