
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 79/91 > Gulfport, FL 80/91
Main activity: Thurs - errands, work, packing
Notes: Ran out in the morning before coffee to ATM, Food Patch and quick stop at Aldi. Online when I got back and all morning, worked on some of Susan's stuff and Carlene's. On Zoom w/ Susan and Sally then for Susan's Gecko Queen campaign designs from ~ 11a-1p. More work for hour+ until after 2p. Started getting some food ready and jumped on chat w/ Tekmatix again to resolve some issues. Chaotic afternoon and was trying to finalize packing for Gulfport as well. Finally hit the road 5p and got to Ellen's around 540p. Finally relaxed some, watched several episodes of Naked and Afraid (I'd never seen it), took a shower and kicked back until bed.

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