
By ZE1Christie

Muddos Daalamist

A beautiful sunny and warm day.  A fine breeze, flat calm tonight.  

Up early, headed out walkies after breakfast.  Nipped into Lerwick, then popped by Laura's briefly.  Work called me in early, still a late shift in the airport.  A busy day of all sorts, mostly with LHR being cancelled, and a hefty delay on EDI.  Popped by mam's after work, said my cheerios to auntie Carol and uncle Mark.  They're starting the long journey back to Australia first thing tomorrow. 

After dropping off colleague Mairead, I stopped off to see the lovely daalamist creeping over the meadows.  The kind of night you might expect an American werewolf to jump out at you, thankfully no werewolves in the creepy mist tonight.  Looking over Aithsvoe and towards Longwell, Cunningsburgh.  

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