Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Giving Back

This afternoon I had my first photo session with a local rescue organization.  Although the main focus today was there oldest cats (the hardest to adopt), I got to shoot a couple of kittens too including this tiny little thing.  He is part of a mixed litter of about 8 kittens that were found at a truck stop, most likely a litter from a feral cat.  They weigh less than a pound and fit in a small human hand so it will be some time before they are able to be adopted.  I had a really wonderful time and look forward to going back again.  Meanwhile, I'm sorting and editing about 250 images..

I am putting an image of "Deli" a 12 year old cat who needs a good home in Extra.  Just so many sweet animals that need good homes.  I'm a huge proponent of rescue rather than purchase and every animal I've had has an has been a rescue.  There is an element of unknown when you rescue, of course, and I know it's not for everyone.  But who could resist these faces? 

It is blazingly hot today so I was happy to be able to take my fill of images indoors in air conditioning.  

Getting ready to go pick Jax up soon - although I really enjoy having one day a week where he's away, I always miss him.


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