madwill's world

By madwill

EasyCruise Has Gone Downmarket

Whilst Mrs madwill was at the Festival Of Quilts at the NEC, I made my way into Birmingham on the train and spent all day wandering along the canals.

I had to smile at this bright orange narrowboat..looked like a new EasyCruise vessel awaiting fitting out and the logo painting on the side…. :-)

Walked 9.5 miles around the city at least another mile to the train station and back from the NEC…over 25k steps today.

Mrs madwill had booked parking at the train station…a LOT cheaper than the event parking at the NEC…but we arrived at the entry gate in a monsoon..and there was so much water about that the scanner was not reading the pre-paid QR it only issued a normal ticket…which would have cost us an additional £12.50…so I went to the Avanti desk at the station and explained to them…and they quite willingly validated the new ticket for us…the fact that there was rain pouring in through their roof probably swung it!!

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