
By Viewpoint

My Grandson

A morning visit to Fox Valley as I needed some new clothes, especially trousers as I’ve lost weight.  I did buy some in Seasalt but I was really light headed while I was there and the shop assistant went to get me water.  So not as successful as I would have liked.  I’d intended to walk around the shopping complex with my camera but needed to come home.  I really want some cropped walking trousers and there are still some available online, but I’m always wary about size and fit if I have to try a different brand.

So my extra is an experiment with the iPhone colour settings.  I was ok by the evening, but then I usually am.  I think at long last I know what is wrong and it’s not going to go away, I’m just going to have to learn to manage it.

I’m just about to swop my photo for one my daughter sent me of my Aussie grandson who plays footie for Canberra.  She was asking me if I thought he resembled her brother, but seeing this image, I think he has all the shape and mannerisms of his dad.

Stopped taking BP medication aimed at lowering my BP.

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