Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Tui …..

….. ….. ….. a very welcome visitor. There were 4 or 5 Tui’s visiting a bird feeder in the Village this morning. So lovely! They’re beautiful to look at and even more beautiful to listen to.

I had my weekly visit to my Physio this morning and came home with a new lighter brace, mainly for the thumb, which has started being affected. She does an amazing massage too. I’m very grateful.

It seems that the inflammation has been protective and that as it’s lessened the damage has become more obvious. I was told that this brace would make using a walking pole far easier, so I tried that out up Tobins this afternoon. Brilliant! Far easier. It was super being up there and seeing all the snow.

We had a heavy frost this morning which relented to a beautiful day, with a high of 6°C. It was amazing how warm that 6° felt.

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