Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Busy doing nothing

Have I given you an irritating ear worm? I'm irritated all right - my computer seems to have lost a great big long entry when it froze just before posting. Not going to attempt to rewrite ... I didn't actually do much today, getting up late, making bread and therefore having breakfast even later, doing a washing because it was sunny - and then nothing much at all. 

We did get out the comfy garden chairs and have lunch (and another sleep) outside, and the temperature was balmy and the sun hazy enough not to be intrusive. Himself cut the grass (again, because it was dry) and then we went a very slow, very undemanding walk along the Ardyne shore, where I took the main photo of the low-tide beach and the Arran hills peeping over Bute in the distance. Canada geese creaked overhead, squawking, and landed on a sandbank for a paddle - it was so quiet we could hear the noise their wings made as they passed, like clockwork wooden birds. And later we attended Rector David's last online Compline with us before he assumes Episcopal duties and we will be left to do it ourselves. It's been a lovely thing these years of pandemic and recovery, this little quiet service with all the best prayers.

My extra photo is what I saw when I opened the curtains this morning and saw a sub in the sun - a reminder of our neighbours. 

And now it's stupidly late ...

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