
By windychickens

Walking a dog and a cat

Thierry accompanied Mabel and I to the park again today. It’s so funny. I’m glad I didn’t have Billie with me as that would have been really tricky. The cat stopped opposite the park entrance and waited on a wall until I came back out and then walked home with us.

Funny little cat.

I had quite a lot to do today. I had to take Billie back to the vet as I’ve got increasingly worried about her.

The vet thinks there is improvement. Her temperature though is still too high. So blood tests were needed. MightyMouse and I were so concerned but also encouraged by the care. The vet went on to say that we needed a genuine exercise plan and sent us away with ideas and some hope.

It was all a bit dramatic so when friends suggested a walk in another park late afternoon, I went, without a dog, just for the company.

Elbows was due back at some point and I really wanted to go and paint the manse with DougsJB. But then a neighbour offered a solid oak bureau type thing that he and PuddleDuck really want for their new house and I needed to stay around to collect it. MightyMouse and I moved it across the road and it weighed a tonne. I’ve not carried anything as heavy as that in a really long time. So I didn’t get to do any painting.

At some point, Elbows came home from his week away.

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