Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Adventures beckon

After a week of helping out with arty stuff combined with a conscious effort to limit my time on social meedja, I’m here to tell youse that I am going on the doss tomorrow. It will mean sleeping in my car. Yes, it will. (You cannot beat an estate car IMHO). I have a small gas stove and a dinky blue whistling kettle, my swimming togs, books, paints and camera phone. And I’m gettin’ the hell outa Dodge.

Like Amelie, I am bringing my gnome with me. He will spill the beans on my locations.

(Amelie’s Dad is triste - sad - and she is concerned about him so she posts polaroids of the gnome in exotic locations to encourage her pere to travel) - spoiler alert… the ruse works.

So after a swim tomorrow, I will be like the Dukes of Hazzard….. you won’t see me for road dust.

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