Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


I was clearing more of the 'unwanted rubbish' from the pond when this chap appeared and jumped on my finger.
He was in rush to move so I went in, got the camera, changed the lens and went back out into the light ... with it still on my thumb.
I was allowed 1 picture (not properly focused unfortunately) before it leapt about 3' into the Rosemary bush.
It was less that 1/2".

SWMBO got a phone call from the pharmacist letting her know that the Health Board had approved her prescription and that she had managed to source some and it would be ready to be collected after lunch.
That is over 3 weeks.
So we had a wander up to collect it after lunch.
We had a chat with the Pharmacist about the availability and she was saying that the Health Board have to approve it it because it costs a bit more than usual. It is a liquid as it is designed to be reduced by 10% every week or two and it is not manufactured in tablet form which allows this. It s a highly addictive drug and SWMBO has worked out she can be off it within 6 months. Without the liquid form it unlikely that she could ever be weened off it.
The Health Board have to approve every prescription because of the higher cost. If they refuse it then they will actually cost them a hell of a lot more in the long run. We think the drug company keeps the cost high and supply very small to ensure that people are kept on the drug to help their bank balance.

On the way home I saw that the pedestrian crossing has been put in place (since the road was reopened) but is not yet in operation. SO the road was closed for 3 weeks for a couple of hours work to paint the road!

I was rather taken with the way the sun was catching the occasional leaf - so I grabbed a couple of shots.

A brilliant win for Britain in the Triathlon (I hope nobody catches anything from swimming in the Seine) and the women's rowing.

There was another short burst of colour before the cloud bank killed it this evening.
12 shots here -- I rather like the one with the seagull flying off into the sunset.

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