Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



After being in the flat all morning, I ventured out for a change of scenery. I've been wanting to do a long drive for ages so I am so pleased it finally happened.

I chose the E66 - the road that leads to Abu Dhabi's oasis town called Al Ain. I used to do tours there when I was a tour guide. The last time G and I went there, we decided it wasn't somewhere we'd take the trouble to go to! I didn't make it out of Dubai Emirate, but I did go along the road much further than I've been in ages. The most notable thing about the journey was the dunes (and greenery) being so close to the carriageway, so I shall have to bring G here so she can take proper pictures from a fast-moving car. The other thing to note is how big the dunes are, just behind the greenery. I missed a few spots where I could have got some spectacular shots, but the aim of the game today was the drive, not the pictures.

And in case you are wondering how I took this... I literally held the camera up and pressed the button - the way you see journalists doing when you're watching the news. :)

I got home and had to drive on Trade Bridge (the road I wanted to take my friends on last Wednesday, but I missed the turn). I do love how they've built this road with its S-bends. Coming back into Karama, I got caught in the usual Sunday evening traffic. How come there are still so many people here at the height of the summer?

I had intended to treat myself to a meal out but ended up doing the sensible thing of finishing what was in the fridge instead. And I have not done any "getting ready for a new week"! How come the weekend finishes so quickly even when I am on my own?!

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