Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Walking and talking

Another gorgeous day right from the start. Well that was just the weather - I walked down town for an 8.30 dentist's appointment, but an hour in the chair wasn't my idea of a gorgeous day!

I made up for it by sitting outside in the sun until lunchtime with a book, then it was off to Dunollie again for two more garden tours. On the first group was a family from Texas and a couple from Alabama, and on the second, a family from Minnesota plus a couple from Oregon. Many were going on to see various places in Europe, but unfortunately not to Paris! Not many huge gardening fans, but it was OK! My Blip today is of a dancing class of some sort in the marquee.

Stopped off on the way back to have a look at the shrub beds outside the Corran Halls - it's possible that Keep Oban Beautiful might be in the running for doing some gardening there, more of which another time.

Quote of the Day: 'When good Americans die they go to Paris.' - Oscar Wilde.

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