litl hikes

By litl

A slow start to the day. 

By 9 o’clock I thought I should take the bags of garden stuff to the tip recycling site before the roads got busy. I managed to spill some of the contents in the boot.

The roadworks signs had gone but I couldn’t spot what had been done - I didn’t see any more patches on the road.

Back home I got the dustpan and brush to sweep the boot and that led to a sort out and clean in the garden/tool/bike store. It was ideal weather to leave things outside while I worked. By the time I’d finished there was more for the tip, mostly surplus garden pots and seed trays. There was lots of evidence of spiders but I didn’t find any. 

It was 2 o’clock when I finished so the garden came to the rescue for a blip.  The watering can is full ready for the pots this evening. I’ll have to refill it a few times. 

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