
By IanWright

Day 10, Ibones de Anayet

We went in search of another Ibon but this time a lot further up the Valle de Tena close to the French border near Portalet.

It was a tough walk starting from a gigantic pretty much empty car park that would be used for the skiers over winter and then headed up the steep ski runs on foot, after a while we came to a saddle where the winding house for the ski runs resided and the views began to get amazing, round the corner the walk changed totally with a lot more boulders and loose stone but after about another hour we breached the mountain and came to the wonderful Ibon de Anayet, it was truly beautiful and with snow patches around you realised how high you were. There were so many photos taken but I quite liked this one as it has a touch of the surreal about it (at least to me) and there is even a human in it for some perspective. The peak itself is Pic du Midi d'Ossau which is just on the French side of the border.

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