
By tridral

I lawr yr hen gamlas

I lawr yr hen gamlas ~ Down the old canal

“Tri anhepgor awen; llygad yn gweled anian, calon yn teimlo anian, a glewder a faidd gyd-fyned ag anian – the three essentials of the muse : an eye to see nature, a heart to feel nature, and courage that dares to go with nature.”
― (Diarhebion Cymraeg), (Addaswyd o ddetholiad Diarhebion Cymraeg gan J. J. Evans 1965.)

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Mae'r hen gamlas yn warchodfa natur (os gallwn ni atal pobl rhag cnoi (nibbling) arni). Aethon ni allan gyda'r plant heddiw. Roedd y diwrnod yn boeth felly roeddwn ni'n hapus i fod o dan y coed.

Mae'r plant yn hoffi natur ac roedd e'n dda i fod gyda nhw i weld llawer o adar dŵr, gweision neidr, malwod dŵr croyw a chrëyr glas bendigedig hwn.

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The old canal is a nature reserve (if we can stop people nibbling on it). We went out with the children today. The day was hot so we were happy to be under the trees.

The children like nature and it was good to be with them to see many waterfowl, dragonflies, freshwater snails and this wonderful grey heron.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Crëyr glas 
Description (English): Grey heron

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