The dog days (pt2)

Me and Eve were at the kitchen counter peeling apples at 8am. I mixed and matched Jamie's lemon and garlic roasted chicken and roast potatoes with Nigella's apple and almond cake as that is the culinary way I roll. And jolly delicious it all was too.

Unfortunately the guest of honour couldn't make it as the lift stopped working in Nana Alice's care home on Friday and still has not been fixed and she can't make it down the stairs even with assistance. It would have been Jack's birthday today too which is one of the reasons we had invited her over. Not to be daunted we invoked the spirit of meals-on-wheels and delivered lunch all plated up for her.

Later, England narrowly squeaked to a win in the first Ashes test and Froome powered up Mont Ventoux on Bastille Day - chapeaux! I can feel an al fresco celebration coming on.

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