
By amandoAlentejo

Gathering Grapes

Decided to go with various suggestions yesterday, and have a go at making wine from all the grapes. Mike picked one vine, and I another - wanted to weigh them, but couldn't think of a way, suffice it to say, Mike couldn't lift his lot, too heavy.

Next step was stomping them (with bed hair).

Feel quite sad at the now denuded vines, so an extra of them, with some of my roses, never to be seen again (until next summer, hopefully). I did leave a few for the birds, and plenty on the ground for the ants.

- the satisfying feeling of stomping the grapes and seeing all the juice squish out 
- that neither of us had an accident; both perched on ladders/tables/chairs to reach them, above our heads
- "seeing" all three grandkids today

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