Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying with Friends

I have had the most enjoyable day with KangaZu and her hubby Richard.  They arrived mid morning and we set up on the patio where the garden critters kept us entertained.  We have lots of hummingbirds right now and I hope that Peggy and Richard both got some good "keeper" shots.  Jax hung out with us, snoozing and occasionally guarding us against rogue squirrels and chipmunks.  I snuck a photo of Peggy too and I hope she doesn't mind me putting it in Extra.  She's a beautiful person, inside and out.  

I picked this Hemaris thysbe (hummingbird clearwing moth) for today's image for no particular reason other than that I like it.  

We all went out to lunch at the local diner and then spent some more time in the garden before they left to head home.  A very fun day.

And just as I was keying this, a big Cooper's hawk had a grackle on the ground while another 30 or so grackles circled above, all screaming bloody murder.  Amazingly, the grackle got away, although I have to wonder if it was injured.  Things in the garden are very quiet at the moment, except for the hummingbirds who aren't big enough to interest a hawk.  

We have to replace our roof (it's 24 years old and gets full sun) so we have the first contractor coming in the morning to give us a bid.  We'll get two more bids during the week and hopefully come up with a clear "winner".  Not an ideal time for a big expense like this, but what can you do?

I was gifted with the most delicious dark chocolate nut bark today and I am savoring a piece right now.  Yum!


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