Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Seriously wondering?

      I still haven't found the "Safe Place" - SO - Battery still flat = using Alice's Finepix.
      The above is a composite of what I can get at "both ends" of the Lens.  If I'm brutally honest, s dome of it might make as much sense in Greek.  (Or is that Geek?)  It. tells me, on the front 30X ZOOM - got that.  
ƒ=4.3-129.0 - Yea - BUT - 1:3.1-5.9 - DUH?
      I'll have to get a translator for the fully extended Lens.
I have a "dead" Office Chair awaiting transport to the tip - SO - I perched on it, just outside the Front Door and too two shots; which I realise I glued together wrong way up
       Bottom (ought to be top?) - Lens as switched on.
       Top (ought to be bottom?) - Lens fully extended (30X zoom)
The "wondering" - Is it really worth a Camera + multiseveral assorted Lenses? Minimum three? When you can get the lot in one handy Packet?

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