
By Melisseus


You don't like the outcome that the system is producing, so you redesign it. You take it apart, restructure some of the fundamentals, shift some things from one place to another, change the relationships, change the role played by the different parts

It's easy when it's your shed; you just do it. I had too many high surfaces, too many inaccessible parts, useful shelves that were not in use because I couldn't reach them, things stored in places where I couldn't see them, workspace cluttered up with stuff that should be on shelves. On top of that, I was still worried that there might be disease bacteria hanging around. I wanted to clean the whole thing out and spray some disinfectant around before bringing in clean equipment

Probably, on reflection, the hottest day of the year so far might not have been the wisest of choices, but rehydration is going well

But what if it's your country? What if the system gives almost unrestricted power to people who two-thirds of people said they didn't want to have it? What if nine people, many of them specifically selected for their extreme views, can radically change the law overnight, whatever elected politicians say? What if politicians can only gain office if they take money from people and corporations - money that comes with many tangled strings attached? What if media owners - by definition a rich elite - have the power to distort public discourse and so coerce politicians into conforming to their wishes? What if it all just isn't working any more? Who will take it apart and start again? If someone says they will, how do we trust them? I feel very tired; maybe it's the heat

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