Ink blot
Too hot for me last night, heat building up in bungalow again.
Too hot for iPad mini as well. It keeps on overheating, and shutting down until it has cooled down.
My big iPad was overheating as well, so I left it off. But it has all my work on it, and so I cannot do that.
I have another fan blowing on the iPad mini to write and post this...
I went out to do messages and collect prescription, but not everything was in, so another trip is needed. In one shop, their till isn't working properly, but with cash I was still able to buy...
So, I didn't get back until midday. Shoved stuff in the freezer, and taped door to be safe!! It is a small tabletop freezer.
It should shut itself in a few days....
I just want to stay in for a bit (the fridge got taped shut with duct tape as well...that is also a small table top too) and not go out...I cancelled tomorrow's arrangements to be out all day...( availability of toilets mean I won't be able to drink enough water this hot weather)...
Badger has been a blithering nuisance in the night. I didn't have the stamina or energy to make the cover for the kitchen door wormery last night (neither have I had energy today, I have been asleep all afternoon), and so I was looking for something to sprinkle the bin with. Found a carton of chilli powder to deter some mice years ago, and there was still some left, so, I sprinkled the outside of that bin, for last worked!!!
BUT...the badger went to the back garden wormery...and pulled away all the heavy pots and other bins with plants in them. They were determined to get at the worms, pulled the very heavy dustbin full of worms and earth that the worms have made from my kitchen rubbish, over. But my plastic covered wire mesh cover held the lids on...just...
There is a little chilli powder left so I will be sprinkling it over that wormery...
I have just been on Amazon, and made an urgent order of 5 kilograms of red hot chilli powder....
In this nighttime wildlife you can see Pa Badger hopping on his hind legs all around my fuschia bush to get the berries ...
38 secs
I haven't seen head nor tail of my raspberries yet this year. I am trying to replant them out of the badger's reach... one remaining brain cell suggested drawing eyes with my white pens on this blot. That was a silly idea because they have all dried up. However, I managed this.
So, not achieved anything today...
I will do better tomorrow...
I hope you had a good day...
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