Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Afternoon Out In Utrecht

Today has been hot. It went up to about 30⁰C (80⁰F), water was kept at hand. We hung out at home this morning,. Little Man slept in, which was unusual, but much needed. I did a little bit of house work, and watered the plants. I also descaled my Dolce Gusto Jovia this morning. It was about time that it got descaled. Then after a relaxed morning, when I was waiting for a friend to come round and be with me for a telephone call, but I'd got the date wrong... the call is tomorrow, I doubled checked the email I'd got in regards to the call, and it is definitely in the morning. I'm glad I'd got the email. I do sometimes tend to get dates mixed up occasionally.

 Once this was all cleared up, I decided that we could do with a change of scenery, so we headed to Utrecht. I wanted to get out the house and I love exploring different cities when I get the chance. We had a lot of fun. I got a thing or two that I can't get in Oudewater. Little Man and I had a lovely day, despite the heat. We drank loads of water (I've got a bottle of water sitting next to me as I'm typing this up) and I let Little Man have a bottle of water in bed with him. He doesn't often go to bed with a drink anymore. I'll check on him (and the bottle of water) before I go to bed myself.

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