Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Busy busy...

When we were working, we had traditional weekends - except that Himself was the organist of our church for many of these years, and I sang in the choir when we had one, so the "traditional" element didn't include lying in bed with the Sunday papers any more then than it does now. But I've noticed in the last few years that there are days which feel like "days off", when there is nothing that actually requires an eye on the clock, and Monday, especially a Monday like today, isn't one of them.

It began with Pilates, back to the normal two classes, with my class starting ten minutes earlier than when they were combined and much more conducive to concentration as well as shared hilarity (the absence of men has a big effect on this: there are men in the other class). But goodness she worked us hard today - so many stretches left me feeling I couldn't cope with the stairs afterwards. A lift home meant Himself kept the car and didn't need me to go back for him, so I was able to flop with my coffee and not stir till he arrived home for lunch. (Then I stirred sufficiently go walk round for flour, and reflect yet again as I carried home 3kg of flour how important for one's knees it is not to put on weight!)

The sense of a working day was maintained with an online Vestry meeting in the afternoon, our Rector's last before he leaves Dunoon. Rotas had been circulated - it's always a tad daunting when you get the duty rosters right up to the beginning of Advent, in December - and flittings were discussed. (Funny - predictive text doesn't like flittings) and it was 4.30pm before we were finished. I went downstairs and put a loaf in the machine - we had no bread this morning and had to resort to white rolls from the freezer for breakfast. Then we walked up to the church - it takes about 15 minutes - to sing through a piece and test registrations on the organ, because I felt so stiff after sitting. (I felt half dead after climbing the church hill, but maybe less stiff?) And then it was time for dinner. I've been more or less asleep since, missing almost all of the News at Ten and only dimly aware of some beautiful horses jumping over things ...

The photo comes from this morning. I've been paying per lesson for Pilates recently, rather than by the month, and was rummaging in my wallet for yet another ten pound note when I realised there were coins at the foot of the bag I carry my thin shoes in (I can't bear to do Pilates in my bare feet - it hurts my toes!). I've been changing so many notes that there was a whole collection of gleaming pound coins and 50p coins mounting in a corner and they're such an unusual sight in my life these days when I pay practically everything with my watch that I thought they merited a photo. Besides, it was a rather grey day after the brightness of yesterday. 

And now, at midnight, I can see it's rained a wee bit. Ah well. 

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