
By MaggieD

The Beheading Stone.

A bit of a climb up to get your head chopped off long,long ago. However , there is a nice view from Gowan Hill, Stirling.

We knew friends would be passing through on the Flexibus so we went to the Park and Ride and waited on the bus coming in.
The bus arrived and they were nowhere to be seen. Just blacked out windows all along the bus. We were about to give up when the bus driver opened the door and let Isabel and Scott out for a few minutes. They were the only passengers on the bus! A quick hello and goodbye and they were off again to Perth. Extra.

Another day of walking, gardening and house chores.

Overcast with some sunshine.

J FaceTimed us tonight. His Mum had taken  the long road home from Glasgow today to show them all the important places  in Lanarkshire which mean so much to us all even although we have lived in Dumfriesshire and Stirlingshire since. I wonder where our three would say “home” was!
I expect it would be Stirlingshire.
Me…… Lanarkshire

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