New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Amid the weeds

Sunday came and went rather suddenly again.  First thing the house needed to be tidied, then I got back to work on stripping the paint from the bannisters which has been neglected for a good 5 weeks now.  P took over so I got together a big food order and loaded up the car with old carpet to go the the tip.

Thought it would be nice to go for a swim again and it was for about twenty minutes, then appeared grandparents with grandkids who appeared determined to throw the little sinky batons at my head every time I went past, a teenage couple who thought they were in Ibizia trying to carrying each other around the pool, then a hoard a young bronzed men in their early twenties came in and completely took over the deep end (doing a couple of widths then hanging around talking at the edge of the pool).  I just about managed 1km and then had enough and got out. Ah well. Next time maybe.  

Feeling hugely anitsocial I went into the back garden for a blip and notcied that grandad's nasturiums had finally flowered, they haven't had as much sun so aren't doing as well this year but I do like to see them.

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