Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


On the Isle of May, which T and I visited on an excursion in the afternoon. It was a good trip as regards puffin numbers, they do vary quite a bit from day to day. and throughout the season. We have been to the Isle of May a few times, but this was the latest in the season. Their young have now largely left the island and the adults stay to defend their territories for a while before heading out to sea until the next breeding season. 

I've got a lot of extras, a pair of synchronised puffins, gannets flying, gannets on the Bass Rock which we circled in the boat before heading to the May, also two adult shags and a young one, the young shag on its own looking very pleased with itself, an adult kittiwake on the nest with a young one, several nests of young kittiwakes with black markings round the neck with one adult, and a very young fulmar looking very fluffy. 

All in all we were very happy with what we saw, particularly the shags which were hit very hard by the storms last autumn. We hadn't seen young kittiwakes before with their black neck markings, nor such a young fluffy fulmar.

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