
By flavia13


A good last Qigong session until September.  I will do a little practice on my own when I  can but otherwise I will have 4 weeks off.

 I like the swirls of this sweet pea so have a blipped a close up as I just like it, hope you do too.

Trying to think of somewhere to go tomorrow that won't be heaving with people and has a cafe and a nice easy walk.  So far the only places I've found are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays!!!!!  

Now once upon time venturing down narrow roads with grass growing up in the middle used to be a passion of mine, but as I've got older they scare me to death - how did that happen!!!  

Hubby is currently up the allotment painting his shed against the elements.  It's only a little shed so won't take him too long.

That's all from me do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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