My day

By 59

Caladium ….fake

Hooray, I’m feeling a whole lot better today. The sun was shining after a frosty morning and we had a nice walk before lunch. I did a bit of housework and load of washing and took less pain pills. 

Highlights of the day were 2 phone calls and email. One from my niece in Montreal and the other blipper Jenny from Newcastle Downunder. I had an email from Mother of 4 from Scotland. Thanks for thinking of me guys. .

This evening I walked up to visit my neighbour. This is her garden. Very sensible as she needs a wheelie walker to get around but was able to open the door for me (after a phone call to let her know I was coming). She had a bad fall recently and there is a big hole in her kitchen wall where she collided with it with her shoulder. She is good mentally and very frustrated they have decided to stop the regional paper being printed during the week.  She can’t manage checking the news online. Paper newspapers are not the thing these days but it’s very hard for those who can’t access information. 

Caladium plants used to grow wild in our garden in Cairns in the tropics. They were larger than these and brighter colours. 

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