
By Lsquare

Two Important Questions!

We gathered at FBC under overcast skies with a possibility of rain, but I never saw or heard any, though I heard some people had seen some and that's how life in our world today can be----uncertain.  There is only one thing that we can be sure of and that is that though life can be uncertain and we don't always understand why things happen the way they do, that God is in sovereign and in control.  Today's collage may look a bit different than usual, but since this is the last Sunday of the choir and orchestra sabbatical, I wanted to take the opportunity to show you some of the people I don't usually get to photograph when I am singing in the choir!  We didn't have rain showers,  but we did have showers of blessings in our service that we began with a congregational song. After the welcome from Pastor Wes, we were blessed to witness three baptisms and if that was not enough blessing, the Chambers family sang special music with a little assist at the beginning from Mike Northen.  The congregation joined in a few more songs led by a wonderful praise team that I did not get any good shots of and I apologize for that.  Then, Pastor Wes asked us to consider two important questions.  When we come up against the challenges of daily life, big ones or little ones, when we don't know what to do, where do we look for help and who do we look to.  In Chapter 20 of 2 Chronicles, Jehoshaphat got word that some other kingdoms were joining together and planning to attack him and he was afraid.  But, he knew where to look for help and who to look to---he sought God's help and wisdom and his whole kingdom joined in and God took it from there.  Jehoshaphat and his people had to do what God told them to do, though it was not what they expected, and they were successful----the enemies were routed, though you may be surprised at how it was done.  I urge you to watch the Live-stream for the amazing and miraculous details!

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