
Scorching hot day.

Straight from my notes -

"Walk into Rothesay, shop + ice creams from Zavaroni's. Lazy arvo, Ettrick Bay teatime swimming, home for alfresco dining."

That just about covers it.

And then at 10.15pm I realised that I'd taken about half a dozen pictures on my morning walk into Rothesay, all in incredibly bright sunlight, and I wasn't particularly enamoured with any of them, so I scrambled down to the beach below our cottage and took a few more, including this one. And skimmed a few stones whilst I was down there, just for good measure.

I actually listened to a bit of music today. There's a digital radio in the kitchen that I keep forgetting about, but today I remembered and this was playing when I switched it on. Took me right back.

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