An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Laughter is the best medicine...

Well they came, we blethered, laughed, raged, laughed, cried, blethered, laughed, laughed and laughed some more.  Oh and blethered, and laughed.  Did I tell you we laughed? :-)

Till after 2am!  

Twenty five years of friendship celebrated like we need an excuse and the world put to rights yet again.  We have been through a lot together, amazing highs and terrible tragedies, but we are still here and still laughing.  

These women nourish my soul and tickle my funny bone till my sides are sore :-)

Thank you all for travelling miles and miles to get here from your wee corners of Scotland.  And so sorry you couldn't make it Eileen.  Trying to squeeze in another get together before Christmas so hope to see you then.  You were missed.

And thank you D for having the patience to herd us cats!! taking this shot.  And all the other stuff you do to make my girly get-togethers so special. We all agree you are the best butler ever!   :-) x

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