
By Nanzy19

Weed whacking

I watered the garden then went for a walk. I ran into Susan, another woman who often walks the road, and she told me that last night, a cougar had been sighted on one of the beaches beside the road. She saw the posting on Facebook. Apparently the dogs in the area were in high alert, and someone heard the cougar scream. I went down on the beach to look for prints, couldn't find any. No sign of the cougar on my walk! It's not the first time that a cougar has been in our area, and there have been bears around too. They swim over from Vancouver Island, and the wildlife guys are usually quick to capture and relocate them unless they've hurt or killed farm animals. In that case, they're put down.
I saw this guy weed whacking outside the fence at Razali's place. Might have to do a quick weed whack myself soon. We're supposed to get quite a bit of rain tomorrow. Hope so!

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