
By Ridgeback13


The forecast was for a beautiful day and so I got up intent on making the most of it, but was disappointed to see cloud when I opened the shutters. Decided maybe not worth heading for the Meadows but instead drove over to Yellowcraig beach where it was much brighter. Set off to walk to North Berwick along the beach-such a gorgeous place and I love the views as the tide’s going out. I was listening to Sarah Raven (the garden and seed specialist) on Desert Island Discs and although her music choice was jolly I have to say I found her very unlikeable…so entitled!
Once I arrived in North Berwick I got a coffee and settled myself on a bench by the harbour and spent the next two hours reading my book, soaking up the sun and warmth which was lovely. A had phoned and decided to join me, and by the time she arrived and parked we were both hungry but there was a long wait at the Rockateer takeaway so we placed our order and took some drinks down to the beach to sit for a while.
Lunch, once it came, was tasty and we wolfed it down! Afterwards we walked down to the tidal pool and paddled for quite a while…lovely and warm after the initial shock! Then we shared a San Luca ice cream oyster…dripped everywhere but delicious!
Had a brief wander round the shops and talked about how nice it would be to live so close to the sea, then she left to go home and I walked back to the car park at Yellowcraig. The water looked so clear…a perfect summer’s day!
Home via the supermarket and had a bit of supper (homemade trifle…not exactly a balanced diet but tasty!) then suddenly felt tired so lay on the sofa…sprinkling sand around a bit! Good day

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