
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 77/92
Main activity: Sun - bike, laundry, around the house
Notes: Woke early before light and headed out on the bike in dawn but well before sunrise. A bit cloudy again so this is the sun popping up near my south turnaround point around 6.5 mi, love the flamingo real estate sign accented by the plastic ones! - went 15 mi total. Quite sweaty and harder to walk the bike up the stairs than ever before. Shower and load of towels/sheets. Made coffee, watched very little of CBS Sun morning show, motly Parks n Recreation. Ate early (~11a-ish I think), eggs w/ bacon (turkey & beef), NY strip (crock pot a week ago), roasted beet w/ goat cheese. Also had a carnivore pancake at the end w/ butter and the bits of whipped cream left from yesterday's batch. Around 1p, laid down to do meditation and was in and out quickly and then out completely and woke from deep sleep at 3p on the dot. Quiet rest of the day, watched some more Drunvalo Melchezidek and did some more of his exercises until almost 7p. Streamed shows in the evening and even with nap, still tired by 9-930p.

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