
By LadyFindhorn

Hot as Hell

We’ve waited long for it, but today we had it all -sunshine, 21° and a calm, clear coruscating sea, temperature of 14° . Daughter#1 tried hard to see a jellyfish anywhere and having failed, relaxed and enjoyed the moment. She has been so  anxious about jelly fish, especially the lions’s mane variety, that we both pranced into the sea wearing black rash suits, a sight so terrifying that I’m not surprised the jellies stayed clear. We had the sea to ourselves at 7:30am but by the time we decided to come out about 40minutes later more people had joined us. It was the kind of summers day we might  have stretched out on the sand and dried off,  like we used to do as children when we had a week or two of heatwave weather, but we had fish to fry or rather McDonald’s egg McMuffins to eat sitting at a sunny table.

I’m sitting outside on the patio now tracking the flight path of the Oman family on their way to Doha. It’s a bit like watching paint drying but somehow compulsive. The daughter is on her way to join me. I’m wondering about an ice cream or a glass of cider……. decisions, decisions….

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