Roly's Life

By Roly

Homeward Bound

The downside of flying to/from Newquay were the flight times. For our 6:10 am flight we had to be picked up at 2:55am. So I’m afraid today’s blip was taken last night on the beach after confirming the Atlantic in Portugal is a similar temperature to the Atlantic in Cornwall.

We were home just after 10am and then Eldest and I set off to collect the dog we’re looking after this week. The perfect anecdote to the end of holiday blues!

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and washing and doing very little. I think I was the only one who pushed through without a nap. I made everyone watch the Netflix James Blunt documentary after starting it on the plane which may have been behind them sloping off to sleep. I do love a bit of James Blunt.

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