
By KateH

Beautiful Irish wedding

The day dawned wet and rainy but a lot of scanning of the weather apps went on and it looked promising for later.  V went into Thomastown to pick up B from the train and by the time they’d got back here a watery sunshine was beginning to break through.  We had a light lunch and left for the church at 1.15.  It was St Mary’s in the village of Kells and near the Priory and the house.  It was filled with lovely natural looking flowers and a swallow skimmed the rafters, there was also a butterfly flitting above the altar.  When Christoph and Milly walked in i saw they noticed it. 

We came out to a little rain but by the time Milly and Tom ran down the steps to confetti it had stopped and from then on the weather just got better.  It was a lovely afternoon and evening with drinks and the father speeches outside (hats off @xtoph1 for doing your lovely warm speech without notes!). The picture shows Milly and Tom listening to the speeches and also shows the beautiful hand-painted detail of MIlly’s gorgeous dress.  The green oak leaves echoed in the menus and colours around the marquee. 

At around 7 we sat down to an amazing meal of salads and roast lamb served family style.  

After dinner dancing and chatting.  We went home at around 11.30 as B & V folded - I could have danced all night of course ! 

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