Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I was wondering what I was going to blip and thought some rain on glass would be interesting.  I am very much enjoying my flowers and watching the butterfly flit around the yard.   I did see a dragon fly but he didn't stay long enough for me to get my camera and I didn't see him at all later in the day.       
  It was a lovely day out and about 75 today.  I sat out back listening to the fountain and reading a book by John Grisham.   I apparently read it before but remember very little of it.   So before I read the other two in the series I figured it would be a good idea to re-read it.    I did get all my chores around the house done which includes some ironing!  I am proud of myself for doing what needs to be done first and then being able to read with out feeling guilty!
   thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for the lovely hearts and stars for my bee shot! 

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