
By Mover

Grappenhall, Warrington

These signs accidentally illustrate the choice between the public house and the public library. The difference between the two was the major incentive to establish public libraries in the mid nineteenth century. There were many cartoons with this theme. Warrington is important in the history of public libraries and I thought this was an illustration of the dilemma. Jacqui is looking long suffering as I stop to take what I described as a momentous blip.

In 1848 Warrington had the proud distinction of becoming the first town in the United Kingdom to open a rate-supported public library.
Warrington has another distinction with regard to its libraries. Another unrelated library service, known as the Warrington Perambulating Library, is recognised as one of the first mobile libraries in the country.

Established by the town’s Mechanics’ Institute in 1858, it comprised a travelling one-horse cart that set out to visit “every door in Warrington”. It was said to be a resounding success with the Institute’s book lending rates increasing by over 300% in just 12 months.

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