Thought I’d quickly replace 3 door handles that were a bit sticky. Quickly? No chance!
2 were quite straight forward but this one needed new handles as well as the mechanism. Off to Wickes for handles, home and tried to unpackaged, back to Wickes to get them to unpackage them and a long discussion about the ridiculousness of the packaging. The assistant in Wickes narrowly avoided stabbing himself with a screwdriver but eventually released them. Got back home to find the screw holes done line up. So I’ve abandoned and left it for C to drill new holes and finish it off tomorrow.
Then I moved on to packing my panniers ready to cycle tomorrow - a mouse has been nesting in there and destroyed my jacket. Hoovered it all up then found more mouse nesting in C’s shoe! Tidied and hoovered the garage.
I’m done now!
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