Lost in Thought

By steveng

A Lamp!

I've been at Chedhams Yard today on a recce for a photo competition next week - not that I can enter - I'm providing advice with one of the others from Ladbroke Camera Club.

This was based on my assumption that most people will be using their mobile phones, so I had a wander around with mine,  looking for examples to show them.  

I’ll tag this for derelict Sunday as I can’t see this lamp returning to life.

If any local blippers would like to enter the details are on the Chedhams web site. 

Definitely fascinated by some of the scenes from the Olympics this afternoon,  France v South Africa (rugby 7s) was fast enough,  but then Fiji v Australia was completely frantic ... how does the ref keep up and be in the right place to make a decision?
and then in the Judo, the ref is wearing a blazer, a tie, smart trousers, but no shoes ... why?
and - Go Anna Henderson - silver in the Women's time trial.  Enjoyed her comment about getting around the very wet course without falling -  round the corners like a granny :-)

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